Dr. Padmaja Subbarao is a Clinician-Scientist in Pediatric Respiratory Medicine specializing clinically in severe asthma. She is trained in both epidemiology and infant and preschool lung function. She holds a CRC Tier 1 Chair in Pediatric Asthma and Lung Health at the University of Toronto and is a Severe Asthma Specialist at The Hospital for Sick Children. Dr. Subbarao’s research program focuses on disentangling preschool wheeze heterogeneity to precisely predict who will develop each type of asthma, monitor its progression and discover the risk factors, exposures and underlying biology associated with each asthma subtype. She is the Director of the CHILD cohort study (www.childstudy.ca), one of the largest, most intensively characterized asthma birth cohorts in the world. This world-leading study enabled the discovery of the importance of the gut microbiome for the protection against asthma (cited >500). She also established the first infant lung function laboratory in Canada, and her early work on the novel multiple breath washout (MBW) lung test paved the way for its acceptance by the Federal Drug Agency as an objective outcome measure for clinical trials in Cystic Fibrosis (CF). Her research in early life lung function as a biomarker and risk factors in asthma have enabled the earlier precise prediction of asthma and monitoring of its progression, thus advancing the diagnosis and treatment of children with asthma. Dr. Subbarao is also an international leader in pediatric severe asthma, co-authoring clinical practice guidelines and position statements. She serves as an Advisor to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to review other asthma cohort studies. She is a committed mentor and teacher and at the institutional level serves as the Director of the Clinician-Scientist Training Program at SickKids.